Oilfield PULSE

Oilfield PULSE

Features For Oilfield HUB Members


Oilfield PULSE is a glossy, full format magazine, dedicated to promoting and marketing the products and services of the service and supply sector of the oil and gas industry.  Through our companion service, Oilfield HUB – and in the pages of our magazine – our mission is to unite buyers and sellers in the most dynamic industrial sector in the country.

*Click on images to view a larger version

Oilfield PULSE Subscription

Every Oilfield HUB Member receives a print copy of every issue as well as access to the digital version. A voice for our members, stay up to date on the important news and events of the oil and gas industry.

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*Example of Issue 3’s PULSE Advantage Custom Cover


New Member Announcements

Your new member announcement will be placed in the next issue of Oilfield PULSE after you join and will also be displayed on all of our websites. Getting our members as much exposure as possible is our primary goal.

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Discount on Print Ads

We value our members, and to show our appreciation, Oilfield HUB Members receive a 15% agency discount on all ad placements.

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*Example of an Ad in Oilfield PULSE
